25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (2024)

As a devoted Star Wars fan, I am thrilled to present a collection of the best Star Wars characters that have captured our hearts and ignited our imaginations.

This list celebrates the unforgettable heroes and villains who have shaped the galaxy far, far away.

Join me on this journey through the stars as we reminisce about the beloved characters that have become legends in their own right. May the Force be with you!

Top 25 Star Wars Characters (Ranked)

1. Darth Vader

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (1)

Character Impact: 10

As an avid Star Wars fan, I've witnessed Lord Darth Vader's profound impact. Star Wars movies won't be complete without the most iconic villain Sith Lord Darth Vader.

In the prequel trilogy, he is Anakin Skywalker in the past, which is considered the main character of Star Wars movies.

Vader is believed to be one of the most powerful Jedi who will bring balance to the Force. Check out some dark Darth Vader quotes here.

2. Luke Skywalker

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (2)

Character Impact: 9

The Star Wars franchise centers on a young boy from Tatooine named Luke Skywalker, the original protagonist from A New Hope [1].

Luke Skywalker is a legendary Jedi Master who fought against the Galactic Empire and married Mara Jade, an assassin who uses force abilities.

He is also the son of Darth Vader, as revealed in The Empire Strikes Back.

Fun Fact:In early drafts of the Star Wars script, Luke Skywalker was initially named Luke Starkiller. The name change occurred during the development process.

Check out our top-rated Anakin Sykwalker gifts here.

3. Obi-Wan Kenobi

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (3)

Character Impact: 8

Obi-Wan Kenobi is another Jedi Master loved by Star Wars fans for his loyalty and calm demeanor, making him a noble mentor and father figure of Luke [2].

Moreover, Obi-Wan mentored Anakin Skywalker before he turned to the dark side as Darth Vader and displayed his wisdom in battles throughout the Clone Wars.

You may also want to take a peek at our recommended Obi Wan gifts here.


25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (4)

Character Impact:8

A wise and powerful Jedi Master, Yoda has piqued the hearts of many Star Wars viewers for his force power despite his size.

I remember absorbing his teachings about the Force and contemplating the more profound philosophical messages hidden within his words.

For 500 years, Yoda served the Jedi Council before it crumbled during the end of the Clone Wars.

He also trained powerful Jedi, including Luke, Obi-Wan, and Count Dooku. You can check out some inspiring Yoda quotes here, too.

5. Han Solo

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (5)

Character Impact: 9

In the original trilogy of Star Wars movies, Han Solo is probably the coolest hero, a former smuggler who helped lead the Rebel Alliance to fight against the Empire.
I recall eagerly quoting his iconic one-liners and admiring his resourcefulness as he piloted the Millennium Falcon through daring adventures.

Despite being a rogue, Han Solo has a heart of gold and is loved by fans for his funny and realistic insights.

No wonder he has his film, Solo: A Star Wars Story.

Check outStar Wars vs Marvel here.

6. The Mandalorian

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (6)

Character Impact: 7

One of the newest Star Wars figures under the Disney TV series, The Mandalorian or Din Djarin, is a prime example of a hardcore yet benevolent bounty hunter.

Mando is a lone warrior exploring beyond the lawless galaxy who serves as Grogu's protector and appears in The Book of Boba Fett.

7. R2-D2

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (7)

Character Impact: 8

Besides C-3PO, R2-D2 is another fan-favorite character, a clever and reliable astromech droid that served the Naboo Royal Starship of Queen Padmé Amidala.

The iconic duo of C-3PO and R2-D2 from the original trilogy to every Skywalker saga will surely bring sass and comedic relief, serving as the franchise mascots.


8. Chewbacca

Character Impact: 8

Although acting in a secondary role, Chewbacca is undeniably one of the best characters from Star Wars movies.

Also known as Chewie, the legendary Wookie warrior is the most trustworthy friend in a galaxy filled with dictators.

He is also the co-pilot of Han Solo on Millenium Falcon and even witnessed his final moments.

You can check out our favorite Chewbacca gifts here.

9. Leia Organa

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (8)

Character Impact:9

Princess Leia Organa is a fearless leader of the Rebel Alliance, and like his twin brother Luke, she is also a powerful Jedi Padawan in the Star Wars universe.

She first appeared on Star Wars: A New Hope (1977), known for her gold bikini, and became a General of her Resistance army in The Force Awakens.

Check out our favorite Star Wars quotes here.

10. Darth Maul

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (9)

Character Impact:7

First appeared on The Phantom Menace, Darth Maul is one of the most terrifying, scheming, and fatal Sith Lords known for his crazy facepaint.

Maul was once an apprentice of the wicked Darth Sidious, trained to hate and bring down the Jedi Order.

He also built his Empire by commanding the criminal underworld.

11. Grogu (The Child)

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (10)

Character Impact:9

Grogu, or Baby Yoda, is a popular Star Wars character for his charming and child-like features, the same species as Grand Master Yoda.

The Child endured the Great Jedi Purge and was rescued by The Mandalorian.
His possibility of becoming a Jedi makes Grogu a lovable and interesting character.

12. Ahsoka Tano

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (11)

Character Impact:7

Ahsoka Tano first appeared on Star Wars: The Clone Wars, a Padawan of Anakin who left the Jedi Order due to its flaws.

Also known as "Snips," Tano is one of the force-wielders who withstand battles against Darth Vader and Maul and becomes a respected leader as she matures.

13. Captain Rex

Character Impact: 6

Formerly known as CT-7567, Captain Rex is Anakin's close friend introduced in the animated film Clone Wars (2008). He is an efficient captain who looks after his men.

He is a veteran Captain of the clone troopers 501st Legion of the Grand Army of the Republic and second-in-command to Jedi General Anakin.

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14. Qui-Gon Jinn

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (12)

Character Impact: 6

Qui-Gon Jinn is a clever and well-respected yet free-spirit Jedi Master. He discovered the prophecy that Anakin was the Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force.

Despite being given a seat in the Jedi Council, Jinn pursues his path as a student of the living Force.

Check outStar Wars vs Dune here.

15. Boba Fett

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (13)

Character Impact: 8

First introduced in Star Wars Holiday Special (1978), Boba is a ruthless bounty hunter with a heart of steel who wanders the galaxy for dirty jobs.

Originally named Alpha, Boba wears a customized Mandalorian suit to clone his father, Jango Fett and also appeared in the Disney TV series The Book of Boba Fett.

16. Lando Calrissian

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (14)

Character Impact:7

Another former smuggler, gambler, and entrepreneur, Lando Calrissian, turned from a con man to a noble leader who fought against the Empire.

He first appeared in The Empire Strikes Back as an intelligent and fearless leader who joined the Rebel Alliance. Lando also helped rescue Han and beat Jabba the Hutt.

17. Padmé Amidala

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (15)

Character Impact:7

One of the most notable characters in the franchise, Padmé Amidala, is the ill-fated Queen of Naboo and a Galactic Senate member, promoting democracy and peace.

In Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Padmé shares a forbidden romance with Anakin, resulting in the birth of Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker.

18. Rey

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (16)

Character Impact:8

Rey Skywalker is the mysterious hero of The Force Awakens and a former Jakku scavenger.

She fought with the Resistance against the First Order and inherited Darth Sidious's connection to the Force.

After helping BB-8, Rey turned from a nobody to uncovering the awakening Force, making her seek training from Luke.

19. General Grievous

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (17)

Character Impact: 6

A formidable Jedi hunter, General Grievous is known for his hacking cough and viciousness despite having a human heart.

He is a clever military strategist, melee combatant, and the Separatist Droid Armies Supreme Martial Commander.

Grievous is a huge skeletal droid with four arms, allowing him to wield four lightsabers simultaneously.

20. Poe Dameron

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (18)

Character Impact: 7

Poe Dameron is one of General Leia's most trustworthy emissaries and serves as the commander of the Resistance New Republic Defense Fleet.

The dazzling commander was held captive and eventually escaped death at the hands of the First Order.

With his return, Dameron takes the lead in destroying the Starkiller base weapon.

21. Mace Windu

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (19)

Character Impact: 7

Mace Windu is another notable Star Wars character known for his purple lightsaber and considered the second strongest Jedi, next to Yoda.

During the Galactic Republic's final years, he serves as a member of the Jedi High Council and Jedi Order's champion.

Windu died with the betrayal of Anakin after learning Palpatine is Darth Sidious.

22. BB-8

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (20)

Character Impact: 8

A jittery yet reliable astromech droid, BB-8 has a dome-rolling head like the R2 series. This white and rounded droid is owned by the Resistance pilot, Poe Dameron.

BB-8 accompanied Dameron on his flights and missions. He also helped Dameron track the Yissira Zyde freighter hijacked by the First Order.

23. Emperor Palpatine

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (21)

Character Impact:9

Once served as a Naboo Senator, Emperor Palpatine is the wicked mastermind of taking control of the Imperial galaxy [3].

Sheeve Palpatine also kept a terrible secret, as he is Darth Sidious, who reinstated the Sith and demolished the Jedi.

Later on, he was killed by his granddaughter Rey Skywalker hidden by his parents, Dathan and Miramir.

24. Kuiil

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (22)

Character Impact:6

Hailing from the Gentes planet, Kuiil is an Ugnaught introduced on the Disney TV series The Mandalorian. He worked to be free of slavery and became a vapor farmer.

During the New Republic, mercenaries and criminals invade his world and meet Din Djarin. Then, he helped The Mandalorian and Grogu to leave the planet.

25. Jyn Erso

25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (23)

Character Impact:7

Jyn Erso is a former lawbreaker who appeared in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story [4]. She joined the Rebel Alliance to steal the Death Star's plans at the Battle of Scarif.

In addition, Jyn is the daughter of Lyra and Galen Erso, a scientist forced by the Galactic Empire to build the Death Star, making her a significant member of the Alliance.


Who is the most underrated Star Wars character?

The most underrated Star Wars character is the Stormtroopers. Although they have a terrible reputation for their efficiency, Stormtroopers only follow Emperor Palpatine's order.

Who is the least-known Star Wars character?

Yarael Poof is probably the least-known Star Wars character who comically waves his head back and forth.

In The Phantom Menace, he appears in several scenes but only in the background while Jinn and the Council discuss the future of Anakin.

Who is the most popular Star Wars character?

The most popular Star Wars character is Darth Vader. With his imposing presence, iconic black armor, and unforgettable deep voice, he has become an enduring symbol of the Star Wars franchise.

Final Thoughts

As a passionate fan of the Star Wars franchise, I have witnessed the profound impact these characters have had on me and countless others.

From the heroic journey of Luke Skywalker to the charismatic charm of Han Solo, these characters have become more than just fictional icons—they have become sources of inspiration and fascination.

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  1. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Star-Wars-film-series
  2. https://screenrant.com/the-best-star-wars-characters-ever-ranked-according-ranker/
  3. https://www.timeout.com/film/star-wars-characters-list
  4. https://www.ranker.com/crowdranked-list/the-best-characters-in-the-star-wars-universe
    25 Best Star Wars Characters Ranked (2024 Updated) (2024)


    Who is the #1 strongest Star Wars character? ›

    The 10 Strongest Star Wars Characters in Movies & TV
    1. Ahsoka Tano. Ahsoka Tano is the strongest Star Wars character.
    2. Luke Skywalker. Star Wars' original protagonist takes our #2 spot. ...
    3. Emperor Palpatine / Darth Sidious. ...
    4. Yoda. ...
    5. Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader. ...
    6. Rey Skywalker. ...
    7. Asajj Ventress. ...
    8. Darth Maul. ...
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    Who is the most popular Star Wars character?
    RankCharacterMonthly Google Searches
    2Anakin Skywalker405,419
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    Who killed Qui-Gon Jinn? ›

    The Sith apprentice Darth Maul struck Qui-Gon down during the battle for Naboo, but the mortally wounded Jedi lived long enough to ask his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, to promise to train Anakin.

    Who killed Darth Vader? ›

    During the battle, Anakin, who had been known as the Sith Lord Darth Vader, was redeemed by Luke and brought balance to the Force. However, the redemption cost Anakin his life, having been mortally wounded by the Emperor, Darth Sidious, while killing his former Master. After his death, Anakin became one with the Force.

    Who killed Yoda? ›

    A year later, in 4 ABY, with his health rapidly declining, Yoda died of old age when Skywalker returned to see him. He became one with the Force, shortly before Luke redeemed his father Anakin, who fulfilled his destiny as the Chosen One by killing Sidious.

    Is Luke stronger than Vader? ›

    Luke Skywalker

    However, once Luke fully embraced his power in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, he proved that he was indeed stronger than Darth Vader and struck his father down.

    Is Jar Jar a Sith Lord? ›

    Jar Jar Binks's clumsiness may not be genuine, but rather an act to disguise his true nature as a Sith Lord infiltrating the Republic. Palpatine carefully orchestrated events to manipulate the galaxy, and Jar Jar's involvement suggests he may have been the eyes and ears on Naboo.

    Who was Yoda trained by? ›

    Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, Yoda's Jedi instructor was N'Kata Del Gormo, a Hysalrian Jedi Master, according to an in-universe legend.

    Who was the strongest Sith? ›

    There are several quotes stating Palpatine to be the most powerful Sith Lord to have ever lived, including the Revenge of the Sith novelization, superior to all the Banite Sith (Bane, Zannah, Tenebrous, Plagueis, etc.)

    Could Qui-Gon beat Maul? ›

    Qui-Gon actually did very well in his fight against Maul. Which is a testament to his skill and knowledge of the force because he was at a severe disadvantage. Maul had been trained specifically to kill him, while Qui-Gon had only really dueled other Jedi in friendly sparring matches.

    Is Darth Maul dead? ›

    Though seemingly killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi at the end of the film, Darth Maul returned in the 2008 animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars (voiced by Sam Witwer).

    Did Dooku like Qui-Gon? ›

    Qui-Gon was Dooku's apprentice. Dooku loved Qui-Gon like a son due to their many similarities; both were individualists, idealists, and both had knowledge of the Force that was unique.

    Who killed Kylo Ren? ›

    Their battle was interrupted when Leia used the last of her strength to reach her son in the Force. While Kylo was distracted, Rey ran him through with his own lightsaber, leaving him mortally wounded.

    How old was Anakin when he died? ›

    Even though Luke tried his best to protect him, Anakin accepted his fate and expressed his love for his son and daughter, Leia, whom he learned about before dying. While it seemed like Anakin had lived a long life, his choices eventually led to his demise at 45.

    Why did Vader look so old? ›

    The obvious explanation comes down to poor overall planning. While James Earl Jones voiced Darth Vader and David Prowse played the villain in costume, Lucasfilm brought in Sebastian Shaw for the unmasking scene. At this point, the English actor was already 78 years old.

    Who is the strongest Jedi? ›

    While little is known about Yoda's species, we do know, however, that they're incredibly gifted in the Force. Both Jedi Master Yaddle, and now Grogu, hold great Force powers, but no Jedi Master has ever held greater power than Jedi Master Yoda.

    Who is stronger, Anakin or Luke? ›

    The realistic answer seems to be, yes, Anakin in his prime could have defeated Luke Skywalker (in the current canon) if they battled one-on-one. The main reason behind this is Luke's lack of formal Jedi training, at least when it comes to combat.

    Which Star Wars is number 1? ›

    Empire Strikes Back is widely recognised as the best Star Wars movie of all time for a reason. A New Hope might have introduced fans to the cinematic world of Star Wars but Episode VI built on that universe and took the viewer far, far further.

    Who is the greatest hero in Star Wars? ›

    1 Luke Skywalker

    Luke began his Jedi training and destroyed the mighty Death Star mere hours after leaving Tatooine, and then he became a Jedi Master and did his part to defeat the Dark Side aboard the second Death Star.

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