An Internal Conflict Features Character Vs. Character Self Nature Society (2024)

English High School


Answer 1


An internal conflict is character vs self


I passed 6th grade english

Answer 2


The answer to this question is C.) self


Good luck!!!!!!!!

Related Questions

Clorinda buys 6 pounds of grapes. She will put the grapes into snack bags that each hold
pound of grapes.
How many snack bags will Clorinda use?



2 snack bags?


If there are six pounds of grapes, and each snack bag holds 3 pounds Clordinda will only need 2.


Clordinda could use 3 snack bags with 2 pounds of grapes in each.


She could also use 6 snack bags and put 1 pound of grapes in each bag.

3. Who is Rosaline?
a.benvolios for wife
B.lady capulet
C.Tybalts sister
D.the woman Romeo love





Romeo was in love with her before meeting Juliet. He went to the party to get his mind off of Rosaline.

In Passage 1, reread the underlined sentence that begins on page 1 and continues on page 2. What effect does this sentence create in the passage?

A. It creates enthusiasm for the ideal nature of Pegasus's mythical qualities and achievements.

B. It creates irony by contrasting Pegasus's own point of view with the point of view of his admirers.

C. It creates humor by exposing the gap between Pegasus's shortcomings and his strengths.

D. It creates suspense by hinting that the reader knows more about Pegasus's reputation than Pegasus does

Passage is called The plight of pegasus​



not sure but i think the answer is



The effect that the sentence creates in the passage is it creates suspense by hinting that the reader knows more about Pegasus's reputation than Pegasus does. The correct option is D.

What is The plight of the pegasus?

The plight of the Pegasus is a story about animals and Pegasus. It tells the story and knowledge about many animals. Here in these passages, the story about a monarch caterpillar and boa constrictor is shown.

The passages tell how the extinction of various resources impacts animal life. Due to fewer plants, there are fewer leaves for the Caterpillar life. And in the second passage, he talks about a boa constrictor and other snakes there whom they find on the road.

Thus, the correct option is D. It creates suspense by hinting that the reader knows more about Pegasus's reputation than Pegasus does.

To learn more about The plight of the pegasus, refer to the link:


The question is incomplete. Your most probably complete question is given below:

Passage 1

For example monarch caterpillars need milkweed, As a result, planting milkweed helps keep monarchs around. Without enough plants to keep a healthy.growing.population. local wildlife is threatened. By planning a garden around the needs of nearby wildlife, gardeners help. wildlife thrive, A beautiful yard can mean more than one just filled with colorful flowers. What's more beautiful than a garden buzzing with native wildlife?

Passage 2

The cab had no air-conditioning, and even with the windows rolled down, the heat wound itself around Abaeze like a boa constrictor. Street vendors rushed between stopped cars, hawking their wares: socks, cans of soda, handkerchiefs. Fifteen minutes passed, then thirty, and the fare climbed. Every minute cost Abaeze a shocking sum, but the car had advanced only half a kilometer in all that time. Down a side street, Abaeze caught sight of a bus stop and the tell-tale blue stripes

Read this excerpt from Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a novel that gives a lively portrayal of places along the Mississippi River. Which sentence in the excerpt depicts the welcoming nature of the countryside?


i believe it’s the last sentence “a couple of squirrels set on a limb and jabbered at me very friendly.”

“A couple of squirrels set on a limb and jabbered at me very friendly.” Last sentence in the excerpt depicts the welcoming nature of the countryside.

What are the another word for Countryside?

The another word for Countryside are:

Rural areasFarmlandWoodland

What are the antonyms for Countryside?

The antonyms for Countryside are:

TownUrban areasCity

Hence, the correct answer is “a couple of squirrels set on a limb and jabbered at me very friendly.”

Learn more about Countryside on


Which of the terms most clearly describes a medium?
A. Story
B. Idea
C. Pride
D. Stage play



stage play


In a paragraph of three to five sentences, summarize President Lincoln’s meaning in the paragraph in bold. Use proper spelling and grammar.

I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong nothing is wrong. I cannot remember when I did not so think and feel; and yet I have never understood that the Presidency conferred upon me an unrestricted right to act officially in this judgment and feeling. It was in the oath I took that I would to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. I could not take the office without taking the oath. Nor was it in my view that I might take the oath to get power, and break the oath in using the power.



President Lincoln's speech was meaning that he was against slavery. when he said "if slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong" hes saying that slavery is one of the worst problems, and the other ones dont compare. he is saying he doesn't understand why slavery exists, and strongly disagrees with it. he was also saying he will fight for slavery to end, which is his oath


i hope this helps you!! :3

Which of the following is not an argument the developers use to support building a new football
stadium in City Center?
A. The stadium will improve traffic flow.
C. A pro team in the city will boost morale.
B. The stadium will provide nooded jobs.
D. New businesses will energize the economy.
What evidence in the text helped you answer?



The correct answer is C. "A pro team in the city will boost morale" is not an argument the developers use to support a new football stadium in City Center.


The fact that a sports stadium is built in the center of a city does not have a decisive influence on the morale of the city itself, since it is not a certain fact that the inhabitants of the city will support the team.

In addition, the fact of a city team as a driver of the unity and morale of the same is not affected because its stadium is located in the center of the city or on the outskirts (even, most of the sports stadiums in the world are located on the outskirts of cities).

50 Points
Can I get some help/tips? I'm not asking for an essay; however, I need some directions like what should I include? What historical figure should I pick? How do I make the plot? How should this historical personality contribute to the story?

These are the instructions for the assignment:

In this task, you’ll write a historical fiction short story (between 600 and 800 words). Choose any historical personality, but don’t pick the same person that you may have used in any previous lessons. Because this character will be such an integral part of your story, make sure it is someone who interests you. Think of someone that you have recently learned about in class, or consider someone whose background and history intrigues you.



I'm gonna try. Hope it helps.


I think you should choose the historical figure by yourself, but I'll try to help guide you on the rest.

You should include firstly who you chose the figure. What about the person captured your attention and why do you like them. Did they accomplish something that you admire? The personality contributes to the story however you want it to. If you want the personality as a main character of your own version of the story, you could do that. Fiction is about making the story the way you want it to go. You can play on the freedom there. The plot can be focused on achieving a goal or learning about life, or even finding a lost one. Sorry that last part sounded unhelpful. But really you can make it whatever you want. Feel free to comment on what you don't understand, hope it helped even a little.

In tuck everlasting how did the knowledge of the spring water change Winnie


She kind of wanted to drink the water at first to see what was going on. After spending time with the tucks and hearing their stories and warnings, she learned that immortality is not a gift, but she should continue living life not fearing death. This most likely changed her entire view on life, especially when she was older.

is being a freshman hard

What can I do to survive 9th grade​



I'm going into 8th but thanks for points lol


Study and be kind.


Studying will help you grades and being kind to others can help you meet people and start friendships, which can help you survive 9th grade.

How can you make something that people already know is going to happen exciting?


Maybe exaggerate the thing that is going to happen or make it way better than it sounds

Exaggerating or making it sound fun

Who is the author of “To Build A Fire”?



Jack London



Jack London



1. Revise and edit the paragraph. Ensure that it uses active voice throughout.
What we learn about our friends on a road trip may be very different from what we learn about them in their homes or at school. When they move from one place to another, characters in a story can undergo change. Setting — the time and place of a story — is used by authors as a device to reveal particular aspects of a character. In John Steinbeck's "The Chrysanthemums," a crucial role in the development of the main character, Elisa, is played by the shift of the setting from the ranch to the road.



... Authors use setting - the time and place of a story - as a device to reveal particular aspects of a character. In John Steinbeck's "The Chrysanthemums," the shift of the setting from the ranch to the road plays a crucial role in the development of the main character, Elisa.


Only the two last sentences were originally in the passive voice and needed changing. The passive voice emphasizes the receiver of the action, while the active voice emphasizes the performer of the action. Take a look at the examples below:

Active Voice: I made the cake.

Passive Voice: The cake was made by me.

Thus, when we change a sentence from the passive to the active voice, we must locate the subject. In the active voice, it will become the object. Then, we locate the agent (performer) of the action. It will become the subject in the active voice. Finally, we remove the auxiliary "be" from the sentence.

Let's use one of the sentences in the excerpt as an example:

Passive Voice: Setting (subject) - the time and place of a story - is (auxiliary) used by authors (agent) as a device to reveal particular aspects of a character.

Active Voice: Authors (subject) use (main verb) setting (object) - the time and place of a story - as a device to reveal particular aspects of a character.

The author of this passage most likely agree with which of the following statements?

A. The word “Ironic” is a synonym for coincidental.

B. The word “Ironic” is not particularly specific term.

C. The word “Ironic” is often misunderstood and overused.

D. The word “Ironic” only applies to situations involving strangers.


C, but i could be wrong.

The word “Ironic” is often misunderstood and overused is the author of this passage most likely agree with. Hence, option C is correct.

What is meant by Ironic?

It is strange or funny when something like this event is different from what you anticipated. Ironically, computers regularly break down despite being created to save people time. Ironically, a police station was struck by the robber's car.

Ironic language suggests one thing while actually stating something else. For instance, if it were a chilly, rainy, or gloomy day, you may exclaim, "What a beautiful day!" Alternatively, if you were suffering from a severe case of food sickness, you would respond, "Wow, I feel terrific today."

In an ironic remark, you make a joke by saying the complete opposite of what you mean.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about Ironic, click here:




1. Fuel Add to list Share · noun. a substance that can be consumed to produce energy. “more fuel is needed during the winter months

2. Synonyms: believable, credible. capable of being believed. adverb. with considerable certainty; without much doubt. synonyms: belike, in all likelihood, in all probability, probably.

3. Develop, educate, prepare, train. create by training and teaching. indoctrinate. teach doctrines to; teach uncritically.

4. Audacious, brave, dauntless, fearless, hardy, intrepid, unfearing. invulnerable to fear or intimidation. daredevil, temerarious. presumptuously daring. emboldened.

5. Synonyms: basal, base. serving as or forming a base. elemental, elementary, primary. of or being the essential or basic part. fundamental, rudimentary, underlying.

Hope you get a good grade on this have a great day :)

Nobody likes John at school
(Passive voice)



Nobody likes John at school. (active voice)

John is liked by nobody at school. (passive voice)

Look back at the "Declaration of the Rights of the Child," Principle 4. Considering the World Health Organization data, how is the world upholding the promises of the Declaration?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can comment on the following.

Considering the World Health Organization data, how is the world upholding the promises of the Declaration?

The reality is that most of the countries are not fulfilling what principle 4 states.

Let's remember that Principle 4 of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, says the following. Children should enjoy the benefits of social security in their respective countries. Children deserve to grow healthy, and the government should provide health services and protection for children and the mother. The Declaration also states that children deserve proper nutrition, health services, a decent house, and recreational activities.

The reality is that this is not the case. The numbers are so cold. Mostly in developing and poor countries where poverty is a major issue.

It is just a matter of observing what is going on in most parts of Africa or India or some places of South Asia and Latin America, to realize how governments have not been able to fulfill the principles of the Declaration.

More than shortcomings of the actual legislation in every country, it is a matter of not having enough resources to invest in children because unfortunately, sometimes, they are not considered a priority when countries have some other economic and political problems.

“Types of Love”—in paragraph form. Times New Roman, 12-font, double-spaced.
-An almost infinite variety of types of love exists. The love for parents for their children is very different from the love of brothers for their sisters, of wives for their husbands, of kids for their pets, and on and on.
-Choose two (2) people in your life whom you love, and explain how your love for each of them is different.





The poem suggests that the narrator views storms as being familiar events. Which line(s)
from the poem provide the best supporting evidence?
"I leave the book upon a pillowed chair / And walk from window to closed
window" (lines 5-6)
"Moves inward toward a silent core of waiting, / How with a single purpose
time has traveled" (lines 9-10)
“I draw the curtains as the sky goes black /And set a match to candles
sheathed in glass" (lines 22-23)
“These are the things that we have learned to do / Who live in zones of
much inquietude." (lines 27-29)


The answer is b I did the quiz

What does the word “sporadic" mean



Something occurring in iregular or scattered intervals.

Example: So if it "rained sporadically" that It rained In irregular intervals.

Others words for sporadic are infrequent, scarce, uncommon, isolated outbursts,

Similar words: Occasional, scattered

Hope this helps :)

Which of the following are overriding themes of the Court's opinion? Select two.

The role of the Court
Limits on state taxes
The supremacy of the Constitution
Punishment without a trial
Happiness as a guiding principle
Governments with unlimited power



The role of the CourtThe Supremacy of the Constitution.


The Court is meant to interpret the law as well as apply it so that citizens and institutions in the country can abide by the laws of the country. The Courts therefore play a role in upholding the legal norms of the country.

The Courts believe in the Supremacy of the Constitution. This means that they will rule on cases based on the Constitution of the country and if a law passed by the Legislature is found to go against the Constitution, the Courts will rule against that law.


Which is the best way to use a style guide for setting your paper’s margins?

Select one:


Read the entire style guide, cover to cover.


Read the section on grammar and spelling.


Use the index to find the section on formatting.


Look for tables and charts that might be helpful.



c. Use the index to find the section on formatting


I took the quiz and got it right lol ;)

The best way to use a style guide for setting your paper’s margins is to use the index to find the section on formatting.

What is style guide?

A style guide or style manual is a set of standards for document creation, formatting, and styling. The purpose of style guides is to ensure consistency between texts in terms of representation, display, and reference, even if the authors and editors of the texts are different.

The correct answer is option C.

Know more about style guide here


Archaeology as a Complex Process
Directions: Fill out the following outline.
Step one:
Step two:
Step three:
Step four:
Step five:
Step six
Step seven:


ajajjsjsjs jajsisisjjs jsksiskksjs

Do you believe the ability to write is important



Yes, I believe that learning to write is one of the most important skills one should learn. While a person can get along without being able to read and write, it is very difficult to navigate through life these days without being able to. Not being able to read or write severely limits good job opportunities and communication.

Shakespeare is one of the most widely translated and read writers in history. Why do you
think Shakespeare's writing has endured for so long?


Answer and Explanation:

A reason why Shakespeare's writing has endured for so long is the universality of his themes. Be it in his tragedies or in his comedies, Shakespeare explored themes such as love, fate, societal expectations, violence, and death, for example. Even if differently, we still experiment situations related to those themes in our lives nowadays. Who has never fancied themselves madly in love like Othello and Desdemona or Romeo and Juliet, for instance? Thus, in a way, Shakespeare's stories and characters are still relatable and relevant.

Pliss you can help me plisss


this is my opinion so...

1. I think the AI takeover theory is a bad thing.

2. I don't think it's possible because computers/robots malfunction all the time.

3. Yes i do think it's scary. Having a future where we are solely based on electronics is scary to me.

Which quote provides the best example of how the
narrator and her father view the world differently?
1. "In spring he announced a second round of
chicks." (Paragraph 1)
02. "You can call me Mexican, or you can call me
Hispanic." (Paragraph 3)
3. "What looks like junk to a rich person is this
poor man's riches." (Paragraph 12)
4. "I would never think of jumping out of my
bedroom window, but swimming from it?"
(Paragraph 14)



3. "What looks like junk to a rich person is this poor man's riches." (Paragraph 12)


First off, that's pretty bold; doing it on a MAP test. The reason why I chose this answer is that it makes sense. The narrator is the rich person, while the poor man is her father.

Select the correct text in the passage.
Which four words in the passage are examples of sensory details?

Winter may be a beautiful season visually, but it is not the easiest to experience. During winter the ground lies cold and hard beneath the surface of snow and frost. The sleeping trees shed all their leaves and appear brown and bare. The dry stems of dead plants rustle in the strong winds. The air turns bitterly cold as the sunlight fades and nights become longer. Most animals hibernate during the season, while others seek shelter in warm places. As a result, you see fewer wild animals in the winter.



The four words are- cold, hard, rustle, warm.


Sensory details refer to the words, descriptive words that appeals to the five senses- taste, touch, smell, sound, and sight. These five senses can be described by using certain words that give the readers deep or relatable imagery to understand the text.

In the given passage, four words that are examples of sensory details are "cold" "hard" "rustle", "warm". These words describe the atmosphere of winter. And through the use of these words, we can know or understand and relate to what is being described.

Thus, the four words are- cold, hard, rustle, warm.

Select the correct text in the passage. Which detail in the text best reflects the central idea of the passage? Dictatorships by Hal Marcovitz (excerpt from “The Rise of Julius Caesar”) Sulla was a brutal and relentless dictator. But one enemy who escaped his wrath was Gaius Julius Caesar. Caesar was born in 100 BCE to a wealthy family. As a nephew of Sulla’s opponent Marius, Caesar found himself on Sulla’s list of enemies. No doubt he too would have been killed, but his family intervened, and Sulla reluctantly spared his life. Next, Sulla ordered Caesar to divorce his wife. Caesar refused and fled the city. He joined a Roman army campaigning in Turkey and did not return until after Sulla’s death in 78 BCE. After returning to Rome, Caesar involved himself in the political intrigues of the republic and began his rise to power. His chief adversary was Sulla’s son-in-law, the powerful general Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, known familiarly as Pompey. Instead of directly challenging Pompey, Caesar decided to bide his time. He struck an alliance with Pompey, who convinced the Senate to place Caesar in command of a Roman army. Under Caesar, the Romans conquered areas of modern France and Britain, as well as other parts of Europe. It was a campaign that would make Caesar an enormously heroic figure among the Roman people. As Caesar made his way back to Rome, the Senate ordered him to disband his army. Caesar refused. Instead, on January 10 in 49 BCE, Caesar led his army in an attack on Rome. As his army crossed the Rubicon River to reenter Italy, Caesar is said to have remarked, “Let the dice fly high!” Caesar’s ploy was not much of a gamble. His army easily swept aside his enemies, including his one-time ally, Pompey. Caesar marched into the city and declared himself dictator. After another four years of warfare in which he pursued his enemies across Europe and Africa, Caesar returned to Rome. He found the once-defiant senate now willing to bow down to his authoritarian power. The Roman senators elected Caesar dictator for


I think the last one


The Roman senators elected Caesar dictator for


I took the test

Two ways in which responsible citizens could bring about awareness on the negative impacts of gender based violence on victims​


Answer: using social media 2. by participating in non violent protests or starting a petition

An Internal Conflict Features Character Vs. Character Self Nature Society (2024)
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